I am running Intel MPI for Intel mp_linpack benchmark (xhpl_em64t).
1. I sourced the mpivars.sh from /opt/intel/impi/bin64/mpivars.sh
2. I did "mpdboot -f hostfile"
$ cat hostfile node 1 node 2
3. I did "mpirun -f hostfile -ppn 1 -np 2 ./xhpl_em64t"
After step 3, errors occured. Below is the error message with I_MPI_DEBUG=50
[0] I_MPI_dlopen_dat(): trying to dlopen default -ldat: libdat.so [0] my_dlopen(): trying to dlopen: libdat.so [0] MPI startup(): cannot open dynamic library libdat.so [0] my_dlopen(): Look for library libdat.so in /opt/intel/impi/,/apps/GNU/GCC/4.7.0/lib64,/apps/GNU/GCC/4.7.0/lib,/apps/GNU/MPC/1.0.1/lib,/apps/GNU/GMP/5.1.2/lib,/apps/GNU/MPFR/3.1.2/lib,include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf,,/lib,/usr/lib [0] my_dlopen(): dlopen failed: libdat.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [0] I_MPI_dlopen_dat(): could not open -ldat [cli_0]: got unexpected response to put :cmd=unparseable_msg rc=-1 : [0] MPI startup(): Intel(R) MPI Library, Version 3.1 Build 20080331 [0] MPI startup(): Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. [cli_0]: aborting job: Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack: MPIR_Init_thread(264): Initialization failed MPIDD_Init(98).......: channel initialization failed MPIDI_CH3_Init(183)..: generic failure with errno = 336068751 (unknown)(): Other MPI error [1] I_MPI_dlopen_dat(): trying to dlopen default -ldat: libdat.so [1] my_dlopen(): trying to dlopen: libdat.so [1] MPI startup(): cannot open dynamic library libdat.so [1] my_dlopen(): Look for library libdat.so in /opt/intel/impi/,/apps/GNU/GCC/4.7.0/lib64,/apps/GNU/GCC/4.7.0/lib,/apps/GNU/MPC/1.0.1/lib,/apps/GNU/GMP/5.1.2/lib,/apps/GNU/MPFR/3.1.2/lib,include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf,,/lib,/usr/lib [1] my_dlopen(): dlopen failed: libdat.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [1] I_MPI_dlopen_dat(): could not open -ldat rank 0 in job 1 fuji382_53442 caused collective abort of all ranks exit status of rank 0: return code 13
Would anyone be able to help me? Thank you very much in advance!
Thank you,