I hope the Intel MPI experts here can help me out. Intel MPI was recently installed on our cluster, a cluster that uses a GPFS filesystem. Looking at the release notes I saw that "I_MPI_EXTRA_FILESYSTEM_LIST gpfs" was now available. Great! I thought I'd try to see if I can see an effect or not.
However, I'm having trouble detecting whether it's on or not. I tried running a simple Hello World (no I/O, but simple) with I_MPI_DEBUG=9. When I do so, I get the usual splat of information but if I pass in "-genv I_MPI_EXTRA_FILESYSTEM on -genv I_MPI_EXTRA_FILESYSTEM_LIST gpfs" or not, I never see anything in the I_MPI_DEBUG output that says if I enabled it or not. I even tried I_MPI_DEBUG=100, but nothing.
Is there a way to know if this has been enabled? I was hoping to try to figure out an MPI-I/O benchmark that would let me see a difference, but if I can't tell if Intel MPI is actually enabling it, I'm a bit wary to thrash my disks without being sure.