Installation of Windows version of Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 2 Cluster Edition over/after having Update 1 installed (and not uninstalling update 1) bombs out while trying to write to (insufficient privileges)
C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\documentation_2016\en\mkl
After Finish out of error dialog, using Windows Explorer, the mkl folder could be located in left tree pane, but contents not examined. Administrator CMD prompt could not attrib the mkl folder to get or set addributes.
I tried a few other things like renaming the mkl folder that Windows Explorer can see but the CMD window could not.
I shut everything down, rebooted, the mkl folder went away, so did some others in "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\documentation_2016\en\".
In anticipation of additional problems, I hand created the mkl and tbb folders in the above ...\en\ folder.
Reinstallation then worked.
My guess as to what happened is the update 2 performed an uninstall of V16.0 update 1...
... including the deletion of the ...\en\ sub folders, however, the means of deletion may have had pending (lazy) file deletes, resulting in the folder being marked (without accessible attribute) as to "present" but not accessible. IOW folder can be seen but not observed.
Upon reboot, those folders were then not visible, lending credibility to this assumption.
I hope this information results in a formal fix.
Jim Dempsey