In the Intel MPI library reference manual it states that MPI_TAG_UB (under the section Using ILP64 - Known Issues and Limitations)
Predefined commuicator attribugs ... MPI_TAG_UB ... are returned by the functions MPI_GET_ATTR and MPI_COMM_GET_ATTR as 4-byte integers
I've attached a short test case (test.f90) I'm running under 64-bit linux using ifort 16.0.1 and Intel MPI 5.1.2. When I enable the '-check all' compiler flag (, the run time checks fail whenever I pass MPI_TAG_UB as a 4-byte integer to the MPI_COMM_GET_ATTR function but pass whenever I pass MPI_TAG_UB as an 8-byte integer. If I do not enable the '-check all' compiler flag (, then the code seems to run ok for either 4-byte or 8-byte MPI_TAG_UB
Is the manual correct regarding this or are the run-time checks hitting some other issue?