Dear Intel support team,
Maybe I was not clear enough in my previous topic where two different problems were discussed. Here I would like to concentrate on the issue that was not answered in that topic.
According to the MPI 3.0 standard MPI_File_read_all takes two following parameters:
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: count ; TYPE(MPI_Datatype),INTENT(IN) :: datatype
count is 4 bytes integer that can have value of 2147483647. Therefore, It should be possible to Read or write such amount of array elements with the type that I want, which we can provide using the second variable datatype. However, it does not work. For example, if I want to read count=2147483647 elements; datatype=MPI_CHARACTER (1byte) - everything is fine. However, if I would like to read count=2147483647 elements; and datatype=MPI_INTEGER (4 bytes) the subroutine crushes. In the standard it is written that such suboutine should be able to read count=2147483647 elements of any data type but in Intel Implementation it does not work reducing the number of elements that can be read by a factor of the datatype. For example if I will make direved datatype of size 2147483647 bytes - I will be able only to read count=1 element. Again the standard says that I can read 2147483647 elements of any size (not only of 1 bytes elements).
I hope I was clear enough this time. Could you confirm this bug?
Regards, Serhiy