I started recently programming with the MPICH2 library associated to the Intel Visual Fortran composer for Windows. Even if my test code recognize the MPI library, many of the MPI simple subroutines didn't work, even well set ! For example, this simple code didn't create the file 'data.txt' :
program main
use mpi
implicit none
integer :: descripteur,code
call MPI_INIT(code)
call MPI_COMM_SIZE ( MPI_COMM_WORLD ,nb_procs,code)
call MPI_COMM_RANK ( MPI_COMM_WORLD ,rang,code)
print * ,'Je suis le processus ',rang,' parmi ',nb_procs
call MPI_FILE_CLOSE (descripteur,code)
call MPI_FINALIZE (code)
Result :
Je suis le processus 5 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 3 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 1 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 7 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 6 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 2 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 4 parmi 8
Je suis le processus 0 parmi 8
But the file data.txt isn't created !
Can someone please help me ! why such a simple code do not work ?
Thanks a lot.