Dear All,
I'm using Intel(R) Cluster Checker 2017 Update 2 (build 20170117), installed locally on master node in /opt/intel as part of Intel Parallel Studio XE.
However, when running clck-collect I get the following error for all connected computenodes.
[root@master ~]# clck-collect -a -f nodelist
computenode02: bash: /opt/intel/clck/2017.2.019/libexec/ No such file or directory
pdsh@master: computenode02: ssh exited with exit code 127
computenode01: bash: /opt/intel/clck/2017.2.019/libexec/ No such file or directory
pdsh@master: computenode01: ssh exited with exit code 127
Please guide if this is an issue with installation of parllel studio, or I'm missing something.