I am having issues with the Windows Intel MPI version, 5.1. I am trying to run a program that uses the Intel MPI on two Windows 7 computers.
This is the error from the mpi program I am running.
[mpiexec@hostname] ..\hydra\pm\pmiserv\pmiserv_cb.c (781): connection to proxy 1 at host failed
[mpiexec@hostname] ..\hydra\tools\demux\demux_select.c (103): callback returned error status
[mpiexec@hostname] ..\hydra\pm\pmiserv\pmiserv_pmci.c (500): error waiting for event
[mpiexec@hostname] ..\hydra\ui\mpich\mpiexec.c (1130): process manager error waiting for completion
The following items have been checked.
1) \hydra_service.exe -status
hydra service running on hostname
2) Both machines have the same software version and setup.
3) .\mpiexec -ppn 1 -n 2 -v -f hostfile.txt hostname
returns the host name of the two computers which I am using.
4) Firewall is turned off on both computers.
Are there tools I can use to debug the proxy connection issue?