I am the admin of a small cluster, trying to help a user. The user has been able to compile and run this code on a Cray with Intel XE 2017, update 7.
On our local cluster, we only had 2017, update 1. So I decided to install the 2019 Beta version. The user was able to compile, but in running she received this error:
mpirun -np 16 /users/kings/navgem-x/bin/sst_interp
Abort(1618063) on node 1 (rank 1 in comm 0): Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPIDI_OFI_create_endpoint(1873): OFI EP enable failed (ofi_init.h:1873:MPIDI_OFI_create_endpoint:Cannot allocate memory)
Abort(1618063) on node 12 (rank 12 in comm 0): Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPIDI_OFI_create_endpoint(1873): OFI EP enable failed (ofi_init.h:1873:MPIDI_OFI_create_endpoint:Cannot allocate memory)
Any clue to what this means? Thank you.