I just bought Intel Cluster Studio 2013 XE for Windows, I used the SN to login to Intel's website to download the latest package (Cluster Studio XE 2013 SP1 Update 1 for windows, built in Feb. 2014).
Following the installation instructions, I installed all the packages here (including single and multi-threaded static libaries for IPP).
The problem I met is (with Microsoft visual studio):
The integration with MS visual studio 2012 is bugged: IPP simply didnt work:
(1) It give me unsolved symbol errors even if I enable IPP in VS2012 (I have used Parallel Studio 2013 before, so dont assume I dont know how to configure IPP in VS2012), therefore I have to manually add the necessary ipp lib files to the linker to build the binary;
(2), It seems that IPP will always use DLL libaries even if I set it to use ipp static libs in VS2012.
A evaluation version of Paralell Studio 2013 XE Update 4 and the IPP within it (I think it is version 7.11?) works perfectly with VS2012 and I have not tested any other functionalities of cluster studios, I dont know, if it is a problem of (1) IPP 8.1 or (2)CS2013 SP1 Update 1 (3)Both.
Btw, if there any tech support hotline in China for Intel software?