Could you please add to the VS IDE Project integration a property pull down for Language (or wherever) an option to configure for MPI.
Also add a command prompt launch that configures for MPI
An additional feature to consider (which may be too much to ask) is for the MS VS IDE to be able to Debug launch an MPI application and automatically open a debug window for each process (even if this must be restricted to the localmachine). While this can be done manually via Debug | Attach to Process, (then select all of the launched processes) it is a bit cumbersome. This works, but I also need to add helper code to the application:
logical, volatile :: DebugWait = .true. call MPI_INIT(ierr) call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, ierr) call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numprocs, ierr) do while(DebugWait) CALL sleepqq(100) ! for all processes set DebugWait = .false. END DO
This too is a bit cumbersome.
Following this, it would be nice too if the developer could have (a means to) perform debugging to all processes (as well as the one in focus). Note, currently one must: Debug | Break All, then walk through each image setting the local DebugWait=.false., then walk through each image adding/removing break points. It would be handy to have a means to apply action to all images (this will require all images be the same .exe)