Playing around with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Cluster edition on Windows with MS VS 2019
The Solution has a Fortran PROGRAM project, and an Intel C++ static library Project
Selecting: Intel Performance Libraries, there is no single entry for "Use MPI Library" (without MKL) but one can select under Intel Math Kernel Library, Use Intel MKL=No, Use MPI Library=Intel(R) MPI.
One would expect that #include "mpi.h" would have the include path configured properly, but it does not. I have to explicitly add an include path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2020.0.166\windows\mpi\intel64\include
By doing so, my C++ static library builds (finds the #include "mpi.h"). This is problematic in that the property page for include paths must get updated each time I update the compiler.
Jim Dempsey