1. My hybrid mpi/openmpi code compiled with intelmpi- and intel-compilers-13.0.1 gives the following errors:
mpiicpc -o paraEllip3d -O3 -DNDEBUG -openmp -mt_mpi Assembly.o Boundary.o Contact.o Cylinder.o Fluid.o Parameter.o Particle.o Rectangle.o Spring.o Vec.o balanc.o const.o hqr.o main.o nrutil.o ran.o realtypes.o root6.o zrhqr.o -I/work4/projects/openmpi/boost-1.53.0-intelmpi- -L/work4/projects/openmpi/boost-1.53.0-intelmpi- -lboost_mpi -lboost_serialization -lboost_timer -Wl,-rpath=/work4/projects/openmpi/boost-1.53.0-intelmpi-
ld: MPIR_Thread: TLS definition in /apps/intel/impi/ section .tbss mismatches non-TLS definition in /apps/intel/impi/ section .bss
/apps/intel/impi/ could not read symbols: Bad value
make: *** [paraEllip3d] Error 1
2. However, it compiles and runs well with intelmpi/ and intel-compilers/12.1.0. So I am wondering if there is anything wrong with intelmpi- and intel-compilers-13.0.1.
Note that "-openmp -mt_mpi" option is used for both cases.
3. FYI, my code uses C++ boost.mpi libraries, which are compiled well with both intelmpi/ and intel-compilers/12.1.0, and intelmpi- and intel-compilers-13.0.1, so I don't think boost.mpi causes this problem.
Beichuan Yan