Run and debug Intel MPI application on cluster. (Grid Engine)
Hello, I have a problem in debugging of Intel MPI application on a cluster.Common question: How to debug the parallel application. Console debugger idbc is not convenient at all. Are there debuggers...
View ArticleCheckpointing MPI jobs with Intel MPI version
Trying to run checkpointing with BLCR using the Intel MPI library. Compiled the source MPI codes using the Intel mpicc compiler. While running, used mpiexec.hydra -ckpoint on -ckpointlib blcr...
View ArticleIntel mpi/openmp hybrid programming on clustering!
Hello, Admin! I'm now using Intel Cluster Studio Tool Kit! And I'm trying to run hybrid(mpi+openmp) program on 25 compute nodes!I compile my program using with -mt_mpi -openmp. I use I_MPI_DOMAIN=omp...
View Articlewindows authentication via Infiniband
Hello everyone, I need your help with a problem of windows authentication . I have changed the method of authentication in "delegation", but it still does not work, and a password is always required....
View ArticleProblem on MPI: About Non-Blocking Collective operations
The structure of my code is,//part1 if(i>1){ Compute1; } //part2 if(i<m) { Compute2; MPI_Allgatherv(); //Replaced by MPI_Iallgatherv(); } //part3...
View ArticleTrouble with checkpointing with Intel MPI using blcr
Trying to run checkpointing with BLCR using the Intel MPI library. Compiled the source MPI codes using the Intel mpicc compiler. While running, used mpiexec.hydra -ckpoint on -ckpointlib blcr...
View Articlefilehandle value problem MPI MPI_FILE_OPEN on Windows
Testing the Intel MPI libraries in windows 8.1. I encounter some problems in the following MPI_FILE_OPEN(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE, MPI_INFO_NULL, fh,...
View ArticleIPM Statistics Format: GFLOPS is Missing
I have been trying to collect mpi statistics of my application and have been using the following settings export I_MPI_STATS=ipmexport...
View ArticleIntel MPI process placement
Hello,I would like to pin MPI processes across all CPU sockets. For example, I would like to run 10 MPI processes on a two socket machine with 5 MPI processes on each socket. Could you please send me...
View ArticleError message: control_cb (./pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_cb.c:1151): assert (!closed)...
Hello, I have the following error message when I run my FORTRAN code on a HPC of my university:[mpiexec@node0653] control_cb (./pm/pmiserv/pmiserv_cb.c:1151): assert (!closed) failedI had my code...
View Articlehow to run the hybrid MPI/OpenMP
Hi, Dear Sir or Madam,I am using the Intel MPI and OpenMP and Intel Composer XE 2015 to build a hybrid MPI/OpenMP application. For example, if I want to run the executable file of my application on 3...
View ArticleMPI Library Runtime Enviroment 4.0
Hello,I am working by using remote deskpot of Cornell University servers and I have not internet conection in my deskpot. I am using Visual Studios 2008 with Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011, and...
View ArticleCan't install Parallel Studio XE 2015 Update1 on CentOS 6.6
Hi,I'm trying to install (upgrading) Parallel Studio XE 2015 Update1. However, the installer causes segmentation fault. Do you know any solutions?Target system has Xeon E5-2697 v2 and CentOS 6.6 is...
View ArticleCan't install Parallel Studio XE 2015 Update1 on Scientific Linux 6.6
When I install Parallel Studio XE 2015 Update1 on Scientific Linux 6.6, the message...
View Articlempi_type_vector three dimensional
Dear all,I have a three dimensional array AA(:,:,:) and I would like to sent it, or at least part of it from one CPU to another.The idea is to combine MPI_TYPE_VECTOR. This is my program. I do not...
View ArticleHow to initiate MPI in the Fortran subroutine?
Hi, All,I am using Intel MPI and OpenMP. My application is a hybrid MPI and OpenMP Fortran-code application. Currently it is tested on a multicore computers. My question for you is as follows:Can I...
View ArticleMultiple Versions of Intel MPI Library Runtime on one machine
Hi Intel we appreciate all the time and effort you put into your products. We have a question about installing multiple versions of the Intel MPI Library Runtime Environment on one machine.How can one...
View ArticleTrying to use I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=socket
I'm running on an IBM cluster with nodes that have dual socket Ivy Bridge processors and 2 Nvidia K40 Tesla cards. I'm trying to run with 4 MPI ranks using Intel MPI 5 Update 2 with a single MPI rank...
View Articlempd failed to boot
Hi all,When I try to run mpdboot on single node (RHEL7), but I got error message:[root@hpc-test intel64]# mpd &[1] 3527[root@hpc-test intel64]# mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling: <type...
View ArticleProblem lauching mpiexec
Hello,I do not succeed in lauching mpiexec. I'm working with Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1, and Intel parallel studio XE 2015, on windows 7.In fact I'm using mpiexec to launch a hydraulic simulation with...
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