where is libmpifort.so?
HI, Everyone,Today, when I run my hybrid MPI/OPenMP application with MPIRUN on our 3-nodes Infinband Linux-PCs Cluster, the following error occurred:/cmg/dingjun/imexLocal/imex_xsamg_dave.exe: error...
View ArticleIntel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Linux
Greetings, I am planning to develop some code for my client, to be executed on a 3 node cluster to start. Would I require this software to be installed in each of the nodes? My client is in the...
View ArticleMulti-rail ofa fabric not available (Intel MPI Library Version 5.0 Update 3)
Hello,there is a problem with the latest MPI library and multi-rail support over OFA:Version 5.0 Update 2 runs just fine:$ mpirun -env I_MPI_DEBUG 6 -hosts node1,node2 -np 2 -ppn 1 -genv...
View ArticleIntel MPI Benchmarks Archives
I wish to use Intel MPI benchmarks for performance analysis of my mpich2 implementation. However, I'm using mpich2-1.4.1 version in my cluster. Where can I download the appropriate benchmarks for this...
View ArticleOpenMP problem with Threads Number
Hi,My program calls a function and it receives two files name that are build in for command. Its goal is read a number of mol2 files and create pdbqt files. Therefore, I create a loop in which each...
View Articleopen_hca: getaddr_netdev ERROR: Connection refused. Is ib0 configured ERROR
Dear all,I am a beginner in linux; i am using quantum espresso software; The cluster we have at University has three types of partition short (for jobs within an hour), long (jobs within 4 days) and...
View ArticleIntel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 Beta program has started!
The Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 Beta program is now available!In this beta test, you will have early access to Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2016 products and the opportunity to provide feedback to help...
View Articleqib affinity
HelloWe have some dual-Xeon E5v3 hosts (running RHEL6) with a TrueScale HCA connected to a PCI slot close to socket #1. When running Intel MPI Benchmarks, I see better latency and bandwidth when...
View ArticleIntel MPI and Windows firewall on localhost
Hi everybody,We run mpiexec on Windows 7 on multiple network installations of our product in the following manner:mpiexec.hydra.exe -np x -localroot -delegate -localonly -localhost
View ArticleMPI_Comm_spawn seg fault when used with MPI_Info_set
Hello,I am a licensed user of Intel MPI for Windows. (5.0.3) 64 bit, Windows 7I am using MPI_Comm_spawn, and the program crashes when I use MPI_Info_set.This can be seen as follows:Master.exe (root...
View Article카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트
카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트카지노사이트 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 바카라사이트카지노사이트...
View Article실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라
실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라실전바카라 ♣♣♣【ANH899、c0ℳ】♣♣♣ 실전바카라실전바카라...
View ArticleProfiling a complex MPI Application : CESM (Community Earth System Model)
Hello. CESM is a complex MPI climate model which is a highly parallel application. I am looking for ways to profile CESM runs. The default profiler provides profiling data for only a few routines. I...
View ArticleProblem: Sending more than two process
Hi,I have faced with a problem when my program try to send structure data more than two process. I created data structure mpi_docking_t as below typedef struct s_docking{ char receptor[MAX_FILE_NAME];...
View Articlempitune get "could not dump the session, because unknown encoding: utf-8"
Hi forum,I try the following command on a server: (impi, icc 2015.2.164)mpitune -of analysis.conf -application \"mpirun -n 24 -host `hostname` ./myexe\"It did run for a while but output...
View ArticleIntel MPI, perhost, and SLURM: Can I override SLURM?
All,(Note: I'm also asking this on the slurm-dev list.)I'm hoping you can help me with a question. Namely, I'm on a cluster that uses SLURM and lets say I ask for 2 28-core Haswell nodes to run...
View ArticleMPI: polling 'passive' rma operations
Hi,lately I'm wondering if your implementation of the passive target communication was ever really ment for usage...Despite the fact that it isn't really passive (since one has to call some mpi...
View ArticleIntel MPI Data Transmission Corruption Issue
We are experiencing 3 failure modes with Intel MPI on RHEL.Please change this to a private thread so that we can discuss details.Stephen Lecrenski
View ArticleMapping ranks consecutively on nodes
Hi, Running Intel MPI 4.1.3 Contrary to the user guide, which states for the default round-robin mapping,To change this default behavior, set the number of processes per host by using the -perhost...
View ArticleProblems with Intel MPI
I have trouble with running Intel MPI on cluster with different different numbers of processors on nodes (12 and 32).I use Intel MPI 4.0.3 and it works correctly on 20 nodes with 12 processors...
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