Hi, I'm not really sure if this is a right place to ask this kind of question so let me know if I'm in wrong one.
I download and installed Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition (includes Fortran and C/C++) via Student license. The installation seems complete without any errors but I noticed that mpiicc, mpiicpc, mpiifort, etc. are missing from /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/ where the program should be in. These files are actually missing from the entire disk (checked via sudo find / -name "mpiifort")
While the web site say that the "Cluster Edition" includes MPI cluster tools, I'm wondering why these programs are missing from that directory. And actually, I installed it to other machine several months ago by using exactly same archive file and that machine has the files in that directory. Both machine were newly installed Ubuntu Server 14.04 so there should not be a significant difference. And in case, I tried to install the program just after OS preparation via VirtualBox and confirmed that the mpiicc, mpiicpc mpiifort, etc. were missing.
The followings are what I did in the new machine (which I think wrong)
$ cd ~ $ tar xvzf parallel_studio_xe_2016.tgz $ cd parallel_studio_xe_2016 $ sudo ./install.sh $ cd /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin $ ls cpuinfo IMB-MPI1 mpd mpdboot mpdcheck.py mpdcleanup.py mpdgdbdrv.py mpdkilljob mpdlistjobs mpd.py mpdroot mpdsigjob mpdtrace.py mpiexec.hydra mpitune mtv.so hydra_nameserver IMB-NBC mpdallexit mpdboot.py mpdchkpyver.py mpdexit mpdhelp mpdkilljob.py mpdlistjobs.py mpdringtest mpdrun mpdsigjob.py mpicleanup mpiexec.py mpivars.csh pmi_proxy hydra_persist IMB-RMA mpdallexit.py mpdcheck mpdcleanup mpdexit.py mpdhelp.py mpdlib.py mpdman.py mpdringtest.py mpdrun.py mpdtrace mpiexec mpirun mpivars.sh tune $ sudo find / -name "mpiifort" # No output
And the following is what shown in the previous machine (which I think correct)
$ cd /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin $ ls compchk.sh mpdallexit mpdcleanup.py mpdlib.py mpdrun mpicxx mpigxx mtv.so cpuinfo mpdallexit.py mpdexit mpdlistjobs mpdrun.py mpiexec mpiicc pmi_proxy hydra_nameserver mpdboot mpdexit.py mpdlistjobs.py mpdsigjob mpiexec.hydra mpiicpc tune hydra_persist mpdboot.py mpdgdbdrv.py mpdman.py mpdsigjob.py mpiexec.py mpiifort IMB-MPI1 mpdcheck mpdhelp mpd.py mpdtrace mpif77 mpirun IMB-NBC mpdcheck.py mpdhelp.py mpdringtest mpdtrace.py mpif90 mpitune IMB-RMA mpdchkpyver.py mpdkilljob mpdringtest.py mpicc mpifc mpivars.csh mpd mpdcleanup mpdkilljob.py mpdroot mpicleanup mpigcc mpivars.sh
While I don't really remember what I did in previous machine, I would like to know missing steps to install these programs.
Because of this problem, I cannot continue the installation of other programs which require MPI. So any kinds of idea or suggestion are welcome.