Unusual requirement?
Dear All,We are involved in setting up an HPC cluster with about 25 Dell PowerEdge 720 servers, each equipped with 172 GB of RAM and 24 Intel cores running at 2,4 GHz). Every node is connected to a...
View ArticleRedistributable info, missing component
Hi,I'm looking at including the intel mpi as part of our software package, this way the end-user do not have to install the MPI components on his system. We will of course include this in the 3rd party...
View Articlecannot open source file "mpi.h"
Dear allI am trying to run this make file, but I am having this error "catastrophic error: cannot open source file "mpi.h" #include <mpi.h>. I am sure I have a problem with the make file, but...
View ArticleSource location in Trace Analyzer in applications statically linked with...
I want to perform analysis of the application which is compiled with the following command line:$ mpiicc -static_mpi -trace -g myApp.c -o myApp $ mpirun -n 4 ./myAppAdditionally I record the location...
View Article[IntelMPI/Windows] pmi_proxy console window
On Windows we start localhost MPI (v5.1) jobs using the following command:mpiexec.hydra.exe -bootstrap fork -envall -np <Nprocessors> <prog> <args>If the job is started from a GUI...
View ArticleAssertion failed in file ../../dapl_conn_rc.c at line 914: vc->pg
Dear all,we are running OpenFOAM (pisoFoam, up 130 Mio cells) using Intel-MPI 4.1 on up to 480 processes. In general it works fine but from time to time we see errors like the following:Assertion...
View ArticleMpirun is treating -perhost, -ppn, -grr the same: always round-robin
Our cluster has 2 Haswell sockets per node, each with 12 cores (24 cores/node).Using: intel/15.1.133, impi/ of which of the options mentioned in the subject line are used, ranks...
View ArticleAny good tools/methods to debug MPI based program?
Dear all,I have a MPI-based Fortran code that can run with single or two processes, however, when lunch the program with more processes, for example, 4 processes, the program crashed with the following...
View ArticleHPC and Magic of OpenMP thread Affinity Management: Compare performance when...
HPC and Magic of OpenMP thread Affinity Management: Compare performance of matrix multiply when Thread Affinity is Not Used and Used...Two screenshots are attached for your review. Fichier...
View ArticleMPI performance snapshot for windows
Hi,I saw the video abt MPI performance snapshot (MPS) and it mentions it's only available for linux, is that still so? Is it available for windows for the 2016 version?
View ArticleMPI_Comm_dup may hang with Intel MPI 4.1
Hi,The attached program simple_repro.c reproduces what I believe is a bug in the Intel MPI implementation version 4.1.In short, what it does is it spawns <num_threads> threads on 2 processes,...
View ArticleInstalling wrappers for using Intel MPI with the PGI compilers
OS: Linux RH 6.6 Intel MPI version: impi/ PGI: pgi/15.1 I am trying to follow the instructions provided in the binding kit tarball from the following file: README-intel-mpi-binding-kit.txt...
View ArticleHelp with MPI abort message
Hi all,I'm pretty new to MPI usage and debugging.I'm running the WRF model (Weather and Research Forecasting) and after some successful outputs (i.e., the model runs as expected) I get the following...
View ArticleITAC Lustre integration
I am using itac- on a Linux cluster to profile rank 0 and rank 15 of a small MPI application. The code was compiled with the Intel compiler suite (2015.3.187) and impi- The compile...
View Articlehow to install intel mpi from parallel studio xe 2016 cluster version linux
Hi:I have intel parallel studio xe 2016 cluster version linux. But I can not install all the cluster related tools from it. There is no option to choose cluster tools, I download the whole install...
View ArticleCan MPI be used to parallelize a QuickWin application?
Hi,I have a Fortran QuickWin Application called GEMix in which I want to parallelize the computations in a single subroutine with no calls to QuickWin. The code is compiled and built (to GEMix.exe) in...
View Articlepmi_proxy process operates with a delay
Hi HPC Developers, We are having a Sandy Bridge cluster of 8 nodes having the following:Hardware: 1U rackmount enclosure Intel Xeon E5-2680v3 processor x 2ea 128GB Memory 5.5TB Pure Storage 56Gbps...
View Articleunable to find mpiifort
Hello,We have installed "Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Linux" via "Free Tools for Students". But we cannot find mpiifort anywhere.Does it exist somewhere or isn't it included in the...
View ArticleMemory leak with Intel MPI
Hi.I compiled Siesta 3.2 (http://departments.icmab.es/leem/siesta) with the Intel Compiler 14.0, Intel MPI 4.1.3 and MKL 11.2.3. The compilation runs fine but when I start a longer computation the...
View Articlempiicc, mpiicpc, mpiifort, etc. are missing in Parallel Studio XE Cluster...
Hi, I'm not really sure if this is a right place to ask this kind of question so let me know if I'm in wrong one.I download and installed Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition (includes Fortran and...
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