Hi everyone,
This is very probably an installation issue of the Parallel Studio 2016 (update 1) on my system...So here are the details:
I have installed Intel Parallel Studio 2016 (update 1) on my server: two sockets with Intel Xeon processors (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz), running Ubuntu 12.04 (I know that this is not supposed to be a supported OS...at least this is what the requirements checking thingy in the Parallel Studio install says...).
The problem is really simple:
If I am logged in as a regular user and if I use mpirun to run any program...The program execution takes forever. Looking at htop it seems that the used cores spend their time in "kernel" mode.
If I am logged in as root, using the same mpirun command, the programs runs perfectly.
I tried a "violent" solution by changing the permission of the directory /opt/intel to chmod ugo+rwx
But this did not anything.
Thanks in advance for your help!
TL;DR; Intel mpirun, runs normally in root, but when using a regular user it is extremely slow.