MPI having bad performance in user mode, runs perfectly in root
Hi everyone,This is very probably an installation issue of the Parallel Studio 2016 (update 1) on my system...So here are the details:I have installed Intel Parallel Studio 2016 (update 1) on my...
View ArticleWarning when sourcing the file
I get a warning when I source the file ...source /opt/intel/16.0/parallel_studio_xe_2016.0.047/ Warning: Hardware events collection is disabled by default. To enable it,...
View ArticleHow to run Intel mp_linpack pre-compiled with Hyper-threading enabled?
Hello all!I have managed to successfully run mp_linpack on my cluster with hyperthreading disabled. All cores were running at 100%.I want to experiment and run with hyperthreading enabled. The...
View ArticlePoor performance of MPI even with Infiniband
Hi,I am benchmarking how much network bandwidth MPI can exploit for my use cases.I tested the bandwidth between two machines using TCP socket communication and confirmed that they could send/receive...
View ArticleIs there any difference between running an MPI program on Intel Xeon and Core...
Dear Collegues, I've got a question: Is there basically any difference between running an MPI program on Intel Xeon and Core i7 processors?I heard that since an MPI program is running on Intel Xeon...
View ArticleCan you help me to figure out why this program cannot be executed using more...
Dear Collegues,Recently, I've developed an MPI program that performs sorting of an array of N=10^6 data items. All data items have a type of __int64. The entire sorting is workshared between multiple...
View ArticleHow to set each process priority and affinity values when running an MPI...
Please anyone tell me how to set each process priority and affinity values when running an MPI program using mpiexec utility ?Thanks. Waiting for your reply.Cheers, Arthur.
View ArticleEffect of -g on
I'm realizing that including -g in my compile statement causes my MPI C++ program executable to link with rather than (v13/impi/ Can anyone explain exactly...
View ArticleHow can I explicitly assign rank number to each host?
Whenever I run MPI application, it seems rank numbers get different.Can I fix those MPI rank number affinity?
View ArticleMy MPI program doesn't work (hangs) when you launch processes on different...
My MPI program doesn't work (hangs) when you launch processes on different nodes (hosts). In my program I use MPI_Win_allocate_shared function to allocate shared memory using RMA window. And I'm...
View Articleexecvp error on file, The requested operation requires elevation.
Hi, This is Tansel. I am not a direct MPI user. Someone from my team created an application using MPI, using a single batch file to run his executable on mpiexec.The problem is, I need to integrate...
View ArticleShipping products with intel Open MPI
One of our developers has asked me a question:" We have an application that contains a component that uses the Intel MPI library. In terms of installing our product, we would also like to install the...
View ArticleMPI_FILE_SET_VIEW produces a seg fault in Windows 10
I have a large CFD code that uses a parallel MPI write routine. The code compiles and runs on our Windows 7 machines (Intel Fortran 16 and Intel MPI 5.1.2), but the code fails under Windows 10. The...
View ArticleWhat is the CDMA technology And its Full form ?
Please give me about CDMA technology and its future and its current status.
View ArticleHybrid OpenMP+MPI: How to synchronize access to MPI shared RMA window by...
Dear Collegues,I've developed parallel code that implements both OpenMP + MPI hybrid parallelization and allocates a shared RMA window by calling MPI_Win_allocate_shared function to store the data...
View ArticleIntel OpenMPI problem with mpirun
$ mpirun --prefix /opt/openmpi/1.10.0-intel/ -np 2 --host atl4-06,atl4-07 ./a.out /opt/openmpi/1.10.0-intel/bin/orted: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file:...
View ArticleUsing InfiniBand network fabrics to allocate globally shared memory for...
Dear Collegues,My MPI program implements a globally shared memory for processes on multiple nodes (hosts) using MPI_Win_allocate_shared, MPI_Comm_split_type functions calls. Unfortunately, the memory...
View ArticleProfiling MPI applilcation with Vtune
Hi, folksI'd like to profile my MPI application with Vtune.In ordered to see the inter-node behaviors,I definitely need to use '-gtool' options to aggregate the profiled result into one file.1) When I...
View ArticleDear collegues,Please help me to solve the following problem:How to share an array between two processes running on the different nodes (hosts).I have the following code:#include <stdio.h>...
View ArticleMPI: How to share an array between two processes running on the different...
Dear Collegues,Can you help me to solve the following problem: How to share an array between two processes running on the different nodes (hosts) ?I have the following code:#include <stdio.h>...
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