Hi all,
I'm using the Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition academic license, and I'm trying to install an older version of the stack in order to reproduce our cluster compiler etc versions in my laptop. I install every part separately: C compiler, Fortran compiler, mkl, etc
The thing is that I can install the compilers without problems but when I get to the MPI part the thing breaks with a license error. I am using the license file generated for my laptop and, to narrow the thing, I try to install MPI separately. The error I get is:
1. Activate offline [default] 2. Use Intel(R) Software License Manager h. Help b. Back to the previous menu q. Quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: Please type the full path to your license file(s): /path/to/the/downloaded/licensefile.lic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The license file(s) you provided is not valid for this product. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please press "Enter" to try again:
So it seems like the license file does not allow me to install MPI.
In the license management page, MPI is in fact indicated as being supported by the license.
This is happening with
The thing is that If I download the whole Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition and run the installer with the same license file, everything installs without problems. The thing is that, for other reasons, I want to install only a few pieces, and each of them separately.
Any idea about what could be causing this?