mpi failed using Intel sample code
Hi, I have installed intel parallel studio xe cluster edition 2016 on HPC environment.All compilers are working fine.when I tried to execute the following commands:#mpirun hostname #mpirun...
View Articlempiicc and mpiifort are missing
On one of our Linux clusters, when looking at the content of the directory: /parallel_studio_xe_update2/compilers_and_libraries_2/compilers_and_libraries_2016.2.181/linux/mpi/intel64/bin mpiicc and...
View ArticleCompiling a program using mpi_f08 fails with gfortran based mpif90
I have downloaded the 5.1 Update 3 library to my x64 linux machine and am trying to compile a Fortran program. I have only GNU compilers on this, personal machine. Using mpif90 (even when forced with...
View ArticleMPI license problem
Hi all,I'm using the Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition academic license, and I'm trying to install an older version of the stack in order to reproduce our cluster compiler etc versions in my laptop. I...
View Articlemissing 64-bit installation
HiWhen installing parallel_studio_xe_2015_update5 on a linux (CentOS6) cluster only IA32 files appear under /intel/opt. (the machine does support 64-bit)When I try compiling a program using the IA-32...
View ArticleCan not be compiled programs with Intel Trace Collector
Hi AllI try to use the intel trace collector on a windows7 computer.When I build my programs using "mpiicpc -trace" command to link trace collector libraries, some error (reference number of intel...
View ArticleProblem vectorizing FORTRAN code
Hi all,My original code had some probems to get good vectorizations. Following siggestions in different places (including several INTEL articles), I decided that re-structuring the data layout seems...
View ArticleGot "access violation" error while Calling MPI_GATHERV subroutine in Fortran...
Hi, everyone. I am a beginner of using intel MPI. So i write a testing FORTRAN program to understand how it works and to verify that the configuration of MPI environment is done well. However, the...
View ArticleMPI redistribution
Hi,I recently adapted an application that I have been developing to run using the Intel MPI API. I make this application available to third-parties for use, and am uncertain how to redistribute the...
View Articlevtune cant collect data
I already used vtune on my own system without problems but to use some other features too I used intel64 this morning.After getting the Warning: Hardware events...
View ArticleScalability on Intel quad CPU
A customer is asking for more references on parallel scalability on 4 CPU machines such as E5-4620 (4x8 core). I noted on his box that the sibling logicals under hyperthread are numbered 32 apart...
View ArticleSegmentation fault with "flexible" mpi subroutine
Hi,I have an mpi subroutine which copies different variables into an integer and real array, send to different procs using MPI, and then updates the variables to their new values using the sent integer...
View ArticleMPI error [../../src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/netmod/dapl/dapl_poll_rc.c:2482]
I've a coarray program which I compile for distributed memory execution.I then run it on a single 16-core node with different numbers of processors.It runs fine with 2, 4 and 8 processes, but give the...
View ArticleCan source file names be extracted from MS Developer Studio to make a MPI...
Hi,I am using Microsoft Developer studio 2010 and 2015 together with Intel Fortran Cluster Edition 2016. I now want to run my program under MPI and need to make a command file with the names of my...
View ArticleBug with WRITE(*,*) and MPI process
The simple code below fails when run (with mpiexec.exe) on a 64-bit Win. 7 workstation (with dual 6-core processors). The culprit is the WRITE(*,*) command (when a large number of such commands are...
View Articlempiicc, mpiicpc, mpiifort, etc. are missing in Parallel Studio XE Cluster...
Hello, I recently installed the Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition ( student edition), windows 10 and ubuntu 14.04.03 versions but I noticed that mpiicc, mpiicpc, mpiifort are missing. It is mentioned...
View Articletruncated Message : same size sent and received.
Greetings everyoneI have a set of simple send and receive calls in my program (blocking).The send and receive are called with MPI_DOUBLE and the length of array being sent/received is of length 9.I...
View ArticleMPI error while running SIESTA code
Hello,I have compiled parallel version of siesta-3.2 code with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Cluster Edition. There were not any problems, but every siesta run ended with the next error:Fatal error in...
View ArticleCannot access "Named Shared Memory" when running MPI
I am creating a MPI transfer application to move data between two programs working together on a local area network, but initial testing I am running the tests on a single computer with 2 processes. I...
View ArticleMPI error based on host order
I'm setting up new MPI environment with two windows 8 pc. Running the command below in ether order works on both machines.mpiexec -n 1 -host machine1 hostname : -n 1 -host machine2 hostnameThen running...
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