Greetings everyone
I have a set of simple send and receive calls in my program (blocking).
The send and receive are called with MPI_DOUBLE and the length of array being sent/received is of length 9.
I explicitly define this array
double array[9];
I am running this on a cluster with tmi fabric.
I am receiving this error
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Recv(200)................: MPI_Recv(buf=0x7f30bd985198, count=9, MPI_DOUBLE, src=MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI_ANY_TAG, comm=0x84000003, status=0x1de7390) failed
MPID_nem_tmi_handle_rreq(579): Message from rank 0 and tag 0 truncated; 72 bytes received but buffer size is 72
I would understand it the send and receive sizes are different. But in this error the received buffer and the buffer locally declared are of same size (72).
I am clueless on this. Can anyone please help me on this.