Hi I have encountered a weird problem with mpiexec. Currently I am using intel MPI that comes with intel parallel studio cluster edition on my Windows 10 machines. After installing the program, I configured it and registered mpiexec as suggested here:
Then I set up my visual studio project as suggested here:
I follow exact the same steps to install and configure Intel MPI on my desktop and laptop. However, while my desktop can run the program with MPI flawlessly, my laptop cannot run mpiexec. If I run my program using mpiexec :
mpiexec -n 4 myprogram.exe
It just freezes, does nothing, and gives me a blank command window. When I check my task manager, my program is not running. I am very curious about why this problem only happens to my laptop since I am doing the exactly same thing on my laptop and desktop.
Can you please help me with this issue? Thank you!