hfi1 driver version confusion
I previously installed IntelOPA-IFS.RHEL72-x86_64. to set up an Omni-Path cluster. I noticed that this version of the Omni-Path software includes hfi1-
View Articleefficent methood for hybrid OpenMP and MPI
Hi, I have a question about an efficient method for extending well implemented scientific code written using C++ and OpenMP, to MPI layer.This code is architecture-aware implementation (ccNuma,...
View ArticleIntel MPI real-time performance problem
Hello: In my case ,i found sometimes MPI_Gather() take more than 5000-40000 cpu crcle,but normally MPI_Gather() only take about 2000 cpu crcle. I can confirm that there is no timer interrupt or other...
View ArticleEnvironment variables defined by intel mpirun?
Hello Forum Gurus,Where can I find a list of environment variables defined by Intel mpirun that contain the rank and process information, analogous to OMP_COMM_WORLD_SIZE, OMP_COMM_WORLD_RANK, etc....
View Articlemodify environment variable from MPICH
HiI have some scripts for runing DART(a meteorology software) with intel compiler and intel mpi library. These scripts were used on cray and MPICH. The environment variable for MPICH setting are : 26...
View ArticleProblem in transfer from SMPD process manager to mpiexec MPI process manager
Since Intel® MPI Library 2017 the SMPD process manager was removed. I have no problems in the use the SMPD process manager that was available in the previous Intel® MPI 5.1.3 version of the MPI...
View ArticleReference manual for Intel MPI library routines?
Dear Sirs,I have now searched for about 30min unsuccessfully for the description of the Intel MPI library routines, including in particular, how to call them from a program targeted for the intel...
View ArticleIntel Paralel Studio xe 2017 - Cluster Edition Installation problem
I got Intel Parallel Studio trial version to run on my linux nodes (I have two nodes currently). During the installation I am facing two issues.1. It says "Login Failed - due to ssh issue"I have ssh...
View Articlemaximum file size issues (bug??).
Hi, all. Just after updating to Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017, I've met something wired. If I tried to copy a file from A to B, when the size of A is approximately 6GB, but B returns 2GB (4byte...
View ArticleIntel Premier Support Legacy Status Update
See: Intel Premier Support Legacy Status Update
When I source psxevars.csh intel64 I see this env var set thusly:MPS_STAT_ENABLE_IDLE=I_MPI_PVAR_IDLEI cannot find MPS_STAT_ENABLE_IDLE nor I_MPI_PVAR_IDLE documentation anywhere on the web. What is...
View Articlempirun vs mpiexec
mpiexec is a direct link to mpiexec.hydrampirun is a wrapper script that determines your batch system and simplifies the launch for the user, but eventually also calls mpiexec.hydraOur site is...
View ArticleConflict between IMSL and MPI
I am trying to divide my fortran code into several parts and I want to parallelize each part by using MPI. For each part, I use IMSL library to solve an optimization problem (use BCONF). However, I...
View Articlempiexec does not run
Hi I have encountered a weird problem with mpiexec. Currently I am using intel MPI that comes with intel parallel studio cluster edition on my Windows 10 machines. After installing the program, I...
View ArticleIssue while spawning processes across multiple nodes (EXIT CODE: 9)
Hi all, I am using intel parallel studio 2015 on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 (RHEL-6.5) and currently facing issues with an mpi based application(Nas Parallel Benchmark-BT). Though the issue seems...
View ArticleUsing MSMPI.dll - fortran crash forrtl 157
I am trying to get a simple example working across 2 amazon nodes. When I run locally, its all fine. Then when I use -machinefile to launch across both nodes, the sample application on the slave node...
View ArticleOPA upgrade from 10.2 to 10.3
Are there best practices for upgrading between OPA versions? e.g. I want to upgrade from 10.2 to 10.3. The installation guide does not seem to have a "upgrade" section -...
View ArticleHow do I download older versions of MPI?
I have a user who has requested a specific version of mpirun be installed. How do I get to old versions? mpirun -V Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 5.1.3 Build 20160120 (build id: 14053)...
View ArticleMPI performance problem on inter-switch connection
Hi,I have a cluster with 32 machines. The first 25 machines are on the first rack and the rest 7 machines are on the second rack. Each rack has a 1Gbps Ethernet switch.I run a MPI application which...
View ArticleSignal propagation with Intel MPI
Our lab recently added another HPC cluster and updated most other clusters to RHEL-7 (from 6). The PBS system was also updated to a newer supported version. My codes implement signal handlers to affect...
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