I'm an administrator at our company and are facing the task to uninstall the MPI 5.0 Runtime-Environment on 50+ Windows machines. The MPI 5.0 Runtime-Environment comes with an FEM Software we use and I succesfully created the installation routine to be silent using this manual:
In case we want to uninstall the software from our machines again I would like to uninstall its requirements (where Intel MPI belongs to) as well.
Unfortunately, only the silent installation is described in the manual, but not the silent uninstallation. Does anyone know the parameters the setup.exe under C:\ProgramData\Intel\Installer\ParallelStudio\cache\{A5A3784F-E722-477F-875E-E7A6AAA5A771} supports? Is that the right executable? At least within the registry this executable is referred to within the uninstall string.
Thanks a lot for your help!