not found warning
One warning I get with I_MPI_DEBUG set to 5 is this odd one: [0] MPID_nem_ofi_init(): cannot load default ofi library, cannot open shared object file: No such file...
View ArticleMPI 5.0 Runtime Environment silent uninstall
Hello,I'm an administrator at our company and are facing the task to uninstall the MPI 5.0 Runtime-Environment on 50+ Windows machines. The MPI 5.0 Runtime-Environment comes with an FEM Software we...
View ArticleMPI Performance issue on bi-directional communication
Hi,(I attached the performance measurement program written in C++)I am experiencing performance issue during bi-directional MPI_Send/MPI_Recv operations.The program runs two threads; (One for MPI_Send...
View ArticleMPI Bi-band shows MPI cannot exploit full duplex transmission mode
I am running performance benchmark with C++, Intel MPI and CentOS 7.I use two types of benchmarks:(1) Uni-band: first half of ranks communicates with the...
View ArticleMPI_Info_set crashes
Here is a small section of my test codeuse mpi....... call mpi_init(info) comm = mpi_comm_world call MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm, nproc, info) call MPI_COMM_RANK(comm, node_me, info) len0 = 300 len1...
View ArticleMPI_ISend bug on Fortran allocatable character
I am encountering what I believe to be a bug associated with allocatable character arrays and MPI_ISend. Sending allocatable character array with MPI_ISend and receiving with MPI_Recv returns junk. See...
View Articlempiifort running fine on some nodes and showing "open_hca: device mlx4_0 not...
Dear all,Using mpiifort on a cluster results in : "open_hca: device mlx4_0 not found" for some group nodes while for others there is no error and mpiifort runs perfectly fine. All the nodes have the...
View ArticleProblem executing HPCC and IMB benchmarks on IBM platform HPC
I am a newbie on HPC world, and I know a little about MPI and Infiniband.I want to execute the IMB 2017 and HPCC 1.5.0 benchmarks on our HPC to be sure that all is configured correctly.we have 32...
View ArticleMPI processes got killed when the computer goes in sleeping mode
I notice that all processes started under MPI are gone when the computer wakes up from a sleeping mode.Is this normal behavior? Is there any setting that keeps the processes alive? krDanyZone:...
View ArticleWhy runtime is invalid?
Hi, Intel technician,when I set the environmental variable OMP_SCHEDULE = runtime, the following warning is given:D:\users\dingjun\build\data>mx201610.exe -f...
View Articlewhy 'logic' value of KMP_AFFINITY is invalid?
Hi, INTEL technician, When environmental variable KMP_AFFINITY=logic, the following warning is given:D:\users\dingjun\tests>set KMP_AFFINITY=verbose,logicD:\users\dingjun\tests>set...
View Articlememory problem in I_MPI_WAIT_MODE=1 with shm:ofa fabrics
Hi,We found that when using the wait mode with shm:ofa fabrics, the processes of the MPI program use more memory than the other configurations. In some situations, the program crashes with memory...
View ArticleMPI_Recv Hangs While Receiving Large Array
I'm noticing some strange behaviour with a very simple piece of MPI code:#include <mpi.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Initialize the MPI environment MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); int...
View ArticleMPI/openMP segmentation error
Hello,when I run my program on two nodes, and set the number of threads larger than 1 (i.e., 2-16 threads), I've encountered the segmentation error:forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault...
View Articlempsvars error
Dear All,I have successfully installed parallel_studio_xe_2017_update1 in CentOS 7. Installed package is working good. However, I am getting the error when I source it from my .tcshrc file. Please...
View Articlecross-compilation
I would like to buy Parallel Studio XE if cross-compilation is possible. I generate execution modules of 2 GB or more. I actually compiled on Linux. And I confirmed that it is possible. However, I need...
View Articlempirun errors
Hi,I've been using intel compilers for long time and I'm really impressed about them. Recently I created a small cluster and installed intel parallel studio_xe cluster edition. I wanted to use MPI for...
View ArticleMPI_Allreduce is toooo slow
I use the benchmark in Intel MPI (IMB) to measure the performance of MPI_Allreudce over a rack with 25 machines equipped with Infiniband 40G switch. (I use the latest version of parallel studio 2017...
View Articleoptimized executables for specific processors
We have four clusters composed of nodes of different vintage Intel Xeon processors.Intel(R) xeon(R) CPU E5-2697Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2690Intel(R) Xeon(R) x5675Intel(R) Xeon(R) e5530We are using 16U3...
View ArticleTrouble installing Windows MPI runtime environment
Hi,I'm trying to install the Windows MPI Runtime Environment on a Windows 7 / x64 machine for use with some modelling software. I'm using version 5.1 Update 1 (or, which is not quite the...
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