MPI ISend/IRecv deadlock on AWS EC2
Hi, I'm encountering an unexpected deadlock in this Fortran test program, compiled using Parallel Studio XE 2017 Update 4 on an Amazon EC2 cluster (Linux system).$ mpiifort -traceback nbtest.f90 -o...
View Articleshared memory initialization failure
Hi all,Running our MPI application on a newly setup RHEL 7.3 system using SGE, we obtain the following error:Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack: MPIR_Init_thread(805): fail failed...
View Articlempirun command does not distribute jobs to compute nodes
Dear Folks,I have Intel(R) C Intel(R) 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20121010 in my system. I am trying to submit a job using mpirun to my machine...
View ArticleITAC -- Naming generated .stf file to differentiate runs
Hello, I am using ITAC from the 2017.05 Intel Parallel Cluster Studio. I issue a number of mpirun command lines with ITAC tracing enabled. I am trying though to assign specific names to the generated...
View Articlempirun command does not send jobs to compute nodes
Dear Folks,I have Intel(R) C Intel(R) 64 Compiler XE for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20121010 in my system. I am trying to submit a job using mpirun to my machine...
View Articleintel mpi cross os launch error
Env:node1 : window 10 ( : debian8 virtual machine. ( test app: the test.cpp included with intel mpi package 1, Launch from windows...
View Articlepbs system said: 'MPI startup(): ofa fabric is not available and fallback...
I've been using PBS system for testing my code. I have a PBS script to run my binary code. But when I get:> [0] MPI startup(): ofa fabric is not available and fallback fabric is not enabledAnd I...
View ArticleFata Error using MPI in Linux
Hi,I'm using a virtual Linux Ubuntu machine (Linux-VirtualBox 4.4.0-101-generic #124-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 10 18:29:59 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux), with 8GB RAM.For a process on Matlab, the...
View Articledrastic reduction in performance when compute node running at half load
We have compute nodes with 24 cores( 48 threads) and 64 GB RAM (2x32GB). When I run a sample code (matrix multiplication)in one of the compute node in one thread, it takes only 4 seconds. But when I...
View ArticleHPCC benchmark HPL results degrade as more cores are used
I have a 6-node cluster consisting of 12 cores per node with a total of 72 cores. When running the HPCC benchmark on 6 cores - 1 core per node, 6 nodes - HPL results is 1198.87 GFLOPS. However,...
View ArticleSlowdown of message exchange by multiple oders of magnitude due to dynamic...
Hello,We develop MPI algorithms on the SuperMUC supercomputer [1]. We compile our algorithms with Intel MPI 2018. Unfortunately, it seems like the message transfer between two processes which have not...
View ArticleError Loading
Hello,I am trying to run my executable (PDES Simulator - ROSS) on a slurm cluster and I add the module mpich/ge/gcc/64/3.2rc2 for mpi support.But I got "while loading shared libraries:...
View ArticleCannot correctly write to a file with MPI-IO and indexed type
Hello,I am trying to write in a file using MPI-IO, with an indexed type used to set a view of the file (see code sample attached). The program launch but I do not get the result I was expecting.When I...
View Articlepeak floating point operations of Intel Xeon E5345
I want to find the peak floating point operations of Intel Xeon E5345 prcessor. i searched about that and found it 9.332 GFlop/s . I want to make sure . There is a formula(please correct me if I am...
View ArticleTimers of PCH
Hi,As far as I know, Intel PCH provides some high resolution timers.I want to know how many timers are provide and how to use them under Linux.Thank you.
View Articleproblems using PSM2 "Trying to connect to a HFI (subnet id - 0)on a different...
hello,I installed the Omni-path driver ( IntelOPA-Basic.RHEL74-x86_64. ) on two identical KNL/F servers with Centos ( CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) )I executed the MPI Benchmark...
View Articlempi calling external mpi program failed
I tried to use MPI to parallel running external command line program. So I write `run.f90` program run use mpi implicit none integer::num_process,rank,ierr; call MPI_Init(ierr); call...
View ArticlePerformance issues with Omni Path
Hi all,I installed two Omni Path Fabric cards on two Xeon Servers. Following the instructions present in this web site: The...
View Articleproblem with intel mpi 2019
When I compile test program with last beta version of intel mpi_2019 I receive error. Anybody have same problem?$ mpiicc -o test test.c ld: warning:, needed by...
View ArticleHow to get the exit code from mpiexec.hydra
When running a workload on multiple nodes with mpiexec.hydra, the entire run aborts when even one node fails/shutsdown. I want to detect if the failure is due to node disconnection or something else....
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