Hi All, I'm HPC Admin. I have installed MPI4PY Library on clusters by .tar and Pip2.7(python2.7). After that, we are facing the issue like a 256cores job (n=4,ppn=64) is not running on nodes. It...
View ArticleOPA driver for Skylake running Ubuntu 16
HiCan you please refer me to the BKMs on getting Intel Omni-Path Fabric (OPA) driver installed and setup on Ubuntu 16? I have a Skylake processor (Gold 6148F CPU @ 2.40GHz). Thanks,Dave
View ArticleITAC error during trace collection
Hi all,I am trying to collect tracing info for my Intel MPI job. For relatively small number of processes (around 300) the run hangs or I receive the following error message:UCM connect: REQ RETRIES...
View ArticleUsing Intel Trace analyzer with windows and VS2015
Hi,I've been directed here from the Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler for Windows forumI'm trying to use Intel Trace analyzer with windows and VS2015 on my CFD code.In my code, I have many F90 files but...
View ArticlePinning processes to specific cores?
I'm wondering if Intel MPI has the facility to allow me to pin processes, not only to specific nodes within my cluster, but to specific cores within those nodes. With Open MPI, I can set up a rankfile...
View ArticleCross Platform MPI start failed
Hi Intel Engineers,I met some problems when setting up a cross platform MPI environment.Following the Intelmpi-2018-developer-guide-linux/windows,two machines were setted up, one is CentOS and anathor...
View ArticleUnable to generate trace file (*.stf)
Hello all,I tried to generate trace file for performance profiling the code. I am testing in stampede2 with the module listsCurrently Loaded Modules: 1) git/2.9.0 3) xalt/1.7.7 5) intel/17.0.4...
View ArticleWhat's the expected slowdown for -gdb on MPI app?
I'm encountering a repeatable memory error that goes away as I increase the number of processes. I'm thinking that there is some static allocation or other memory limit that is being hit, but having...
View ArticleBenchmark With Broadwell
Hi Team,Need help to achieve the optimal result:E5-2697 v4 @ 2.30GHz AVX 2.00 GHz2.3 * 36 * 16 = 1324 ( TDP ) 2.0 * 36 * 16 = 1152 ( AVX )Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2017 Update 3...
View ArticleTrace Collector with ILP64 MKL and MPI libraries
Hi,Is it possible to use the Intel Trace Collector (on linux) with the ILP64 MKL and MPI libraries? I see on the MPI page...
View ArticleIntel MPI segmentation fault bug
Hi I have come across a bug in Intel MPI when testing in a docker container with no numa support. It appears that the case of no numa support is not being handled correctly. More details below...
View ArticleMPI stat
HiI want to generate timing log on mpi functions. I am using "export I_MPI_STATS=20" to enable log. This is capturing timing info only on one node. How to get similar information from all nodes that...
View ArticleHow to use Intel MPI to create system resources such as Opengl windows,...
Our school project needs MPI, OpenGL, but in our attempt, we failed to create OpenGL window and system shared memory in Intel MPI process. Could anyone help us.Our os is Windows 10.
View ArticleIssue with MPI_ALLREDUCE with MPI_REAL16
Hello!I am running a quad precision code in MPI. However, when I perform MPI_ALLREDUCE with MPI_REAL16 as datatype, the code gives a segmentation fault. How do I incorporate quad precision reduction...
View ArticlePETSc 3.8 build: internal error: 0_76
I'm attempting a PETSc 3.8 build with Intel Parallel Studio 2017.0.5. The build fails without much information, but it appears to be an internal compiler error.Some key output:......
View Articleexecvp error
Gentlemen, could you please help with an issue?I´m using intel compiler ifort version 18.0.2 and intel mpi version 2018.2.199 in a attempt to run WRF model on HPE (former SGI) ICE X...
View ArticleHelp With Very Slow Intel MPI Performance
All,I'm hoping the Intel MPI gurus can help with this. Recently I've tried transitioning some code I help maintain (GEOS, a climate model) from using HPE MPT (2.17, in this case) to Intel MPI (18.0.1;...
View ArticleProblem with NFS Over RDMA on OmniPath
I have been trying to setup NFS over RDMA on OmniPath following instruction in official document. IPoIB works fine, but I cannot get NFS over RDMA working. I have modified /etc/rdma/rdma.conf and...
View Articlewhere are the others 4 cores?
Hi, Intel support guys,I am running tests on our SKYLAKE computers. I am surprise to see there are 4 cores/pkg gone. Where are they? Our computer system information is below:Process: Intel Xeon Gold...
View ArticleAnnouncing the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Beta Program
Join the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Beta Program today and—for a limited time—get early access to new features and get an open invitation to tell us what you really think.We want YOU to tell us...
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